The Blue Guide Book of Southern Italy


In about 600 B.C. the Greek, perhaps having airThe archeological site of the temples of Paestumeady expiored the plain and having assured themseives a fortified piace near the sea, founded a city there which they caiied Poseidonia in honour to the god of the Sea. At the same time, northwards, the inhabitants of Poseidonia buiit a sanctuary (the Heraion) near the mouth of the Sele, not oniy to honour their goddess Hera from Argo, but probabiy as defensive strategy against the Etruscans. The latter had settied on the other side of the river and being a powerfui and advanced peopie they The temple of Nettunorepresented a danger for them. This sanctuary became famous ali over the Greek world, so that it became part of mythology. Poseidonia soon reached a high degree of richness and of artistic and cuiturai fervour which in a century iead to the construction of three magnificient Doric tempies, an incomparabie inheritance from the ancient Greek civilization.


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